A New Value-Add for Data Protection Service Providers

There is a new opportunity for data protection service providers to increase their value to current and prospective clients, and it stems from the overwhelming number of corporations now publicly committing to global data protection and privacy compliance.
To learn more about who is and why they are, see the related blog titled “Why Large Corporations are Taking a Globally Compliant Approach to Data Protection Compliance.”
Connecting the Dots…
The good news for forward-thinking service providers is that, for these corporations to be globally compliant, their data protection service providers must also be globally compliant. In other words, they cannot claim global compliance unless their service providers are globally compliant too.
Since most data-related service providers are unaware of what global compliance entails, those implementing the necessary measures have a distinct advantage.
What is Global Compliance?
Taking a global approach to data protection compliance doesn’t just happen and it’s not something that can be achieved through certification. But, like any meaningful marketing differentiator, that’s a good thing for those service providers willing to do what’s needed.
The main ingredients of a globally compliant approach include:
- Having an internal understanding of all relevant global regulations and distilling them to their highest common denominator
- Having the in-house capability to monitor, evaluate, and filter the ever-evolving regulations to determine their unique applicability
- Assigning a qualified Data Protection Officer (DPO) as defined by the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
The Privata Vox Differential
Helping service providers pursue and achieve global compliance is a basic pillar of the Privata Vox philosophical approach. The other is deploying that regulatory compliance as a material differentiator. And, of course, these pillars are themselves supported by the practical cost savings of fractional representation.
As Privata Vox founder, Bob Johnson, explains, “While it would be hard for a service provider to justify a full-time, qualified compliance professional, by subscribing to Privata Vox, they get exclusive access to a world-class DPO for a fraction of the cost. The eventual result will be an exclusive, world-wide network of globally compliant service providers.”
Why Large Corporations are Taking a Globally Compliant Approach to Data Protection Compliance
What Business Services are Data Processors, and Why Does It Matter?
What Does a DPO Do?
© 2024 Privata Vox, LLC - All Rights Reserved
About Author
Bob Johnson, CSDS, CIPP/US, CIPP/E, is the Principal Advocate at Privata Vox, LLC. Read more about his long career in privacy and data protection policy development.

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