What is Privata Vox®?
As some readers know, I recently stepped down from my position as CEO of i-SIGMA. There was no intrigue or surprise behind my decision. The fact was simply that, after 27 years at the helm of NAID/i-SIGMA, recognition of the need for data destruction and for service provider qualifications had been largely achieved. i-SIGMA’s mission had become more operational in nature and, for both me and the association, it was time for a change.
Additionally, and equally important to my decision, I saw that emerging data protection regulations were presenting me with an opportunity to be of even greater service.
Starting with the GDPR, and continuing with California’s Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)* and Australia’s Consumer Data Right Act, the number of new data protection regulations in the US and around the world has been expanding a fevered pace. And, as a self-described regulatory geek, I immediately saw how this continuing trend was quickly changing the relationships between all the various stakeholders, dramatically increasing their associated challenges and opportunities.
And, so, I founded Privata Vox®. It’s mission is to help stakeholders—whether they are Data Controllers, Data Processors or Data Subjects—to navigate these new challenges and capitalize on these new opportunities.
One version of what this looks like can be gleaned from the menu of services listed here on the Privata Vox® website. Just as likely, however, the ways in which Privata Vox® will help stakeholders are not on any list. They will occur organically as people and organizations find themselves dealing with the many novel aspects of our new privacy and data protection environment.
In any case, Privata Vox® will be there to help when needed and I, fortunately, will be able to continue on the mission to which I have dedicated my entire career.
*The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), effective January 2023, amended the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) passed in 2018.
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About Author
Bob Johnson, CSDS, CIPP/US, CIPP/E, is the Principal Advocate at Privata Vox, LLC. Read more about his long career in privacy and data protection policy development.
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